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8/27/2024, Tuesday - Biked Hamilton Ontario

Kathy took the grandkids to the water park and Rob was out farming all we decided to explore Hamilton, Ontario by Bicycle. It is always fun checking out a new town and what better way to do it than by bike or walking?

Here is a video of our trip.

The day before we checked out this parking lot. It is big and right by the trail. We thought it would be a perfect place to launch off on our bike ride.

The trail was very scenic

The Escarpment Trail followed the rim of a big gorge. Nice vistas would show up from time to time.

we were well seperated from auto traffic and that made for a relaxing ride

We had to pull off to admire the art on the side of the building

In Hamilton the people are so nice that they decided to build out a nice spot for the birds to roost

We tried to figure out if this was still functional or if it now an artistic piece

Every good waterfront park has a battleship in it

The day was really nice and the park was really beautiful. The pictures do not do it justice so we added more of them to make up for it.

Another view of the Bird Condo

This piece of art struck us as being very interesting

This was a chain, but we had never seen one before. It looked interesting so we gave it a shot for lunch.

Perogis are basically raviolli filled with mashed potatoes. They made them crispy then they topped them with whatever you want. This one is a philly steak and cheese

We found the main downtown "district" so we parked the bikes and walked around

You could tell that Hamilton was a cool place. They had a big lineup of music and a bunch of other stuff to do. We will have to come back when we can stay longer.

Eric fed one pigeon a bite of his doughnut....then the skys darkened and all these birds assembled from out of nowhere

All in all it was a really magical day. Lots of new sights and sounds. At about dark we went back to Rob and Kathy's and sat around a bonfire and shot the shit until late. It was a good day.

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